1.st Next Fertility International Joint Meetings
The Future of A.R.T.
April 07-08, 2022
Lugano (Switzerland)
Congress Center LAC - Lugano Arte e Cultura
(SSGG - 16 Credits)
the organizators will send directly by mail in the next two weeks, for more information and request send an email to: events@procrea.ch
April 07-08, 2022
Congress Center LAC, Lugano Arte e Cultura
1st International Hybrid Workshop: Hot Topics in Reproductive Biology
With the development of assisted reproductive technology (ART) about forty years ago, the treatment burden for male and unexplained infertility has fallen squarely on women. Balancing this burden requires revitalizing and investing in basic and clinical research on male infertility - to both improve treatment options and enable natural conception.
In recent years, we have seen a renaissance amongst the practitioners and researchers trying to understand myriads of problems leading to male infertility. The goal of organizing this webinar is to open a scientific dialogue to broaden our understanding of internal machinery and functions of male gametes and advances in treatment of many cases of male infertility which were untreatable in the past.
We hope that this educational initiative will contribute in a small way to the development of new therapies based on directly treating men for male infertility, which may enable less invasive treatments and even natural conception.
Reproductive Gynaecology Meeting
Infertility is a condition that concerns not only reproductive specialists but all gynecologists.
In recent years, reproductive medicine has undergone profound changes in the application and integration of the latest discoveries in the field of genetics.
The purpose of our congress is to know what innovations can be applied immediately in our clinical practice, and what the near future holds.
Participants should have answers to questions such as: are there new tests to safeguard the child's health? Are there new tests to improve spontaneous or PMA pregnancy rates? Are there new therapies or diagnostic tools in the management of infertility?
All these points will be evaluated with renowned speakers for the best clinical practice.
Workshop - The Andrologist in the IVF Center
In many IVF Centres, an adequate (or even any) andrological assessment of the male partner of infertile couples is seldom obtained, the assumption being that only the male gamete, and not the human subject, counts to achieve oocyte fertilisation and pregnancy, regardless of the man’s health condition. “The reproductive ability of couples with severe male factor infertility may be significantly impaired without an appropriate medical or surgical management of the severe spermatogenic dysfunction; on the other hand, couples are referred to donor sperm IUI or IVF when the male partner is azoospermic, without attempting to individuate the cause and the possible medical or surgical treatment of such a condition.
Such questionable way of managing infertile couple may expose the couples to increased risk of treatment failure; in addition, since male infertility has been proposed as an independent risk factor for poor health status and early mortality, if infertile men are evaluated early in life, there is an opportunity for health assessment, counselling, and disease prevention.
Clinical training in male infertility is most commonly part of andrology training; however some urologists or endocrinologists may have little experience in the counselling and management of infertile men. The purpose of the present Workshop is, thanks to the contribution of internationally renowned Experts in the field, to provide the audience with a comprehensive and evidence-based update on the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility.
Thursday, April 7th /
1st International Hybrid Workshop: Hot Topics in Reproductive Biology
President: Ashok Agarwal (Cleveland, USA)
Opening of Webinar and Introduction /
A. Agarwal (Cleveland)
Keynote lecture
Male Oxidative Stress Infertility (MOSI): A Hope for Patients with Idiopathic Male Infertility /
A. Agarwal (Cleveland)
First Session
Chairman: E. Vogiatzi (Maroussi/Athens)
Semen analysis does not predict male fertility: the need for sperm functional tests / M. Sabbaghian (Tehran)
Sperm chromatin integrity and its impact on embryo quality and ART outcome / E. Evgeni (Athens)
How to select healthy sperm for ICSI in samples with high DFI / N. Garrido (Valencia)
Question and Answer /
Moderator: R. Saleh (Sohag).
Co-Moderators: M. Gül (Konya), D. Durairajanayagam (Sungai Buloh)
Second Session
Chairman: L. Parmegiani (Bologna)
Time Lapse Embryo monitoring: does it add to standard IVF/ICSI? / A. Argyriou (Athens)
Sperm epigenome and embryo quality /
M.G. Alves (Porto)
ICSI for non-male factor infertility: time to reappraise IVF? / S. Palini (Cattolica)
Oocytes qualitative evaluation and IVF/ICSI outcome /
M.G. Minasi (Rome, Milan)
Question and Answer /
Moderator: H. Sallam (Alexandria), S. Jindal (Meerut/Delhi)
Reproductive Gynaecology Meeting
Presidents: Marina Bellavia (Lugano) and Dominique
de Ziegler (Paris)
12.30 Buffet Lunch
Welcome to the Audience and Introduction /
A. Came (Ausburg), A. Carbone (Valencia), A. Barlocco (Lugano), M. Bellavia (Lugano)
First Session
Chairmen: E. Taddei (Lugano), A. Santi (Locarno)
Adenomyosis: medical or surgical treatment? /
P. Santulli (Paris)
Infertility and endometriosis: a new indication for ART /
D. de Ziegler (Paris)
Second Session
Chairmen: L. Quintero (Valencia), M. Morris (Geneva)
Repeated implantation failures / P.Pirtea (Suresnes/Paris)
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic endometritis /
E. Ciccinelli (Bari)
PGT: Past, Present and Future - Successes and disappointements / D. Sakkas (Boston)
16:00 Coffee Break
Third Session
Chairmen: A. Ambrosetti (Geneva), A. Raggi (Olten)
Hypothalamic Amenorrhea & PCOS in the Adolescent: Clinical Pearls for Diagnosis, Counseling and Management/ A. Biason-Lauber (Fribourg)
Obstetrical and long term risks of ART /
A. Bisgaard Pinborg (Copenhagen)
Keynote Lecture
The Role of Microbiota in the Female and Male Fertility: from the New Evidence to the Practice /
C. Kitic (Brisbane)
Scienza e Arte del Desiderio: Composizione della nostra Umanità / (Presentation in Italian with simultaneous translation in English)
F. Bianchi-Demicheli & Thomas Dieulevent (Pianist-Geneva)
19.00 End of meeting
20:30 GALA DINNER - Hotel Splendide Royal
Friday, April 8th /
The Andrologist in the IVF Center
Presidents: Giovanni M.Colpi (Lugano) and
Ettore Caroppo (Bari)
08:15 Registration
Welcome to the Audience and Introduction /
A. Came (Augsburg), A. Carbone (Valencia), A. Barlocco (Lugano), G.M. Colpi (Lugano), E. Caroppo (Bari)
First Keynote lecture
Chairman: G.M. Colpi (Lugano)
Is Andrology the Key in Solving Infertility Problem? /
A. Giwercman (Malmö)
First Session
Chairmen: E. Caroppo (Bari), M. Sabbaghian (Tehran)
Leukocytospermia and/or Bacteriospermia in male infertility: what to do in the IVF Center /
R.T. Henkel (London)
Sperm DNA fragmentation: reliability of assays, evidence and actual implications for clinicians /
M. Muratori (Florence)
Genetic tests: present evidence and new perspectives in understanding male infertility / C. Krausz (Florence)
Questions and Answers
11:10 Coffee Break
Second Session
Chairmen: A. Giwercman (Malmö), A. Gallina (Lugano)
The male factor in ART: beyond fertilisation /
H. Tournaye (Brussels)
Different medical treatments of the infertile male: indications, limitations and results / M. Maggi (Florence)
Varicocele in male infertility: controversies and evidence/ S. Minhas (London)
Questions and Answers
13:20 Light Lunch
Second Keynote lecture
Chairman: M. Maggi (Florence)
Male Fecundity, Life Style and Environment /
N. Jørgensen (Copenhagen)
Third Session
Chairman: T. Turunc (Ankara)
Testis vs. Ejaculate sperm or ICSI in case of untreatable high sperm DFI: a current controversy /
M. Arafa (Doha, Cairo)
Testis histology: a must during surgery for male
infertility ? / G. Dohle (Rotterdam)
Questions and Answers
15:50 Coffee Break
Fourth Session
Chairmen: G.M. Colpi (Lugano), E. Caroppo (Bari)
MicroTESE versus TESE in Non-Obstructive
Azoospermia / S.C. Esteves (Campinas – Aarhus)
Klinefelter Syndrome management of NOA, and ICSI outcomes in cases with positive retrieval /
E. Bakırcioğlu (Istanbul)
Repeated microscopic sperm extraction: why, pros, cons, and outcomes / M. Balaban (Istanbul)
Questions and Answers
17:55 Conclusions and ECM
18:30 End of the Workshop
20:30 GALA DINNER - Hotel Splendide Royal